Gifted and Talented Class Years 7-10
Gifted & Talented Test Registration
This is a genuine alternative to a selective high school for your child
A special class (limited numbers, entrance test required) for gifted and talented.
Starts in Year 7 and goes through to Year 10
Follows a challenging academic program that extends students
Lots of extra-curricular activities
- Debating
- Academic Challenge
- Drama
- Maths and Science Competitions
- Excursions
- Public Speaking
- Chess
- Eisteddfod
- Multicultural Festival
- Young
Writers' Competition, etc.
Students sit for an examination and are selected on ability
Parents are welcome to come and see the Gifted and Talented Class in action
Ring Kogarah High School (02) 9587 5815
for an appointment or an application form
Come and join us