Kogarah High School: Music


Music provides a unique contribution to student development, impacting positively on students socially, physically, emotionally and cognitively. Fine motor skills are improved, the group work involved in performing and composing develops creative problem solving skills and team work, academic benefits are well known and students often benefit from the enjoyment of continuing to play music lifelong.

Kogarah High School offers a high standard of music education covering a wide range of topics to students from Years 7 to 12. The following courses are taught:

Stage 4 Music

(Years 7 and 8 Mandatory Course)

In Year 7 students have two 1 hour sessions of Music per week, in Year 8 students have one 1 hour session of Music per week. Students are provided with the opportunity to acquire skills in the areas of performance, composition, and listening through a wide variety of learning activities. The Music program has been developed to support the following experiences:

  • the ability to perform using a number of instruments
    (percussion, vocals, keyboard and guitar)
  • an aural awareness through participating in a wide range of musical experiences.
  • the ability to compose using instruments and/or computer programs
  • an appreciation of Music

Stage 5 Music

(Years 9 and 10 Elective)

kogarah high musicIn Years 9 and 10 students have five 1 hour sessions of Music per fortnight. The Stage 5 Music Course builds on knowledge gained in Stage 4. Students study a variety of musical styles and are provided with the opportunity to extend their performance, composition and listening skills. It is expected that students who choose to study Music in Stage 5 will specialise in an instrument of their choice.

Stage 5 Vertical Electives include Performance and Audio Recording, held three times a fortnight.

Stage 6 Music

(Years 11 and 12 Elective - Music 1)

In Years 11 and 12 students have six 1 hour sessions of Music per fortnight.

kogarah high musicThis course caters for students who have diverse musical backgrounds and interests. In the Music 1 Course, students study six topics over two years, developing knowledge and skills in the concepts of music (duration, pitch, dynamics and expressive techniques, tone colour, texture, and structure). The students learn through their experiences in performance, composition, musicology and aural activities.

All students will perform at least one piece for the HSC examination. Additionally, three electives are chosen from the areas of performance, composition and musicology. The electives must also represent the topics (contexts) studied. Students also complete an external examination in Aural for the HSC examination.

Students choosing to study the HSC Music 1 course are required to engage in and commit to a personal study and practice plan as they prepare for their internal and external examinations. Music 1 students do not need to have any prerequisite musical experience; however, it is advised that students have at least competent skills in performing music and a passion for music as an art form. Students are provided with multiple opportunities throughout the school year to showcase their talents.

Extra-curricular Activities and Performance Opportunities

kogarah high school musicStudents are encouraged to participate in the many performing opportunities that are organised for them each year. Some of the external performances offered include Education Week, auditions for and performance in various Arts Education Unit concerts, the Town Hall Voices in Performance Concert and the local nursing home. Each year a variety of musical items are chosen to be performed at School Music Showcases, Creative Arts Nights, song-writing competitions, Multi-cultural Day and parent functions. Music students also perform at various assemblies throughout the year, at the annual Presentation Night and SRC organised Talent Quest.

kogarah high school musicExtra-curricular opportunities available to students include the School Choir, School Woodwind Group and various bands (lunchtimes). The Choir performs in the Secondary Schools Choral Concert annually with opportunities for outstanding singers to perform solos.