KHS: Sport

Student Sport Policy

Kogarah High School has four 'houses'. Each student is placed in a sporting house based on the first letter of their last name. These four houses are named after four notable attendees of Kogarah High School. The four houses are:

Crampton (A-E): Bruce Crampton was a professional golfer who attended Kogarah H.S. from 1948-1950. Among numerous other achievements, he placed 2nd in the US Open in 1972.

Chapman (F-K): Gary Chapman was a freestyle swimmer who won bronze at the 1956 Olympics and won gold at the 1954 and 1958 Commonwealth games.

Rosewall (L-R): Ken Rosewall AM, MBE was formerly the no. 1 ranked tennis player in the world (1960). He won 23 major titles including four Australian Open titles.

O'Neill (S-Z): Norm O'Neill played cricket for Australia. He was a right-handed batsman who averaged 45.55 in his 42 test matches for Australia..

As students participate in Carnivals and Grade Sport (see below), they can gain points for their sporting house. In recent years, our boys' Rugby League teams have achieved success. In 2012, the U15 Rugby League Boys won the St. George All Schools Rugby League Knockout. They represented the St. George Zone at the State Championships. The school has also had several students represent Sydney East School Sports Association in Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics.

At Kogarah High School we love to celebrate student achievement in all KLA's. This may be a victorious Grade or Knockout team, a student achieving their personal best or students displaying excellent sportsmanship.

The achievements of students in sport are specifically recognised in the Sports Assembly where students receive 'Best and Fairest', 'Most consistent' and 'Most Improved' sports awards as voted by their sports coach.

The Aims of School Sport

Encourage participation by all students in sporting activities commensurate with their physical, mental, social, and emotional and skill development.

Provide opportunity for playing a wide variety of sports within competitive and recreational sports.

Develop the capacity to make reasoned decisions about ethical issues in sport that will lead to good player and spectator behaviour.

Develop skill and fitness to particular sports so that all students can experience success through enjoyable participation.

Develop and apply knowledge and understanding of:

  • Sport as a significant cultural force in our society
  • The capabilities and limitation of the human body
  • Games, tactics, strategies, rules and umpiring
  • Contribute, through participation, to the social, cognitive, physical, emotional and aesthetic aspects of the student's development.

The structure of school sport


Kogarah High School holds three major carnivals annually, Athletics, swimming and Cross Country.

These days are an excellent celebration of Kogarah High Schools' sporting spirit. All students are expected to arrive at school as per normal, and then will travel to the designated venue as arranged by the school. It is an expectation of the school that the students will participate in the activities organised.

Kogarah High School will supply a team to compete in all three major carnivals (Athletics, swimming and Cross Country) organised by the St. George Zone School Sports Association.

Knockout Sport (Years 7-12) All students have the opportunity to participate in knockout sport tournaments or gala days throughout the year.

Information regarding tournaments is available on the Sports Noticeboard (near the canteen) or by seeing Mr. Wilson in the PE staffroom.

Kogarah H.S. has a strong tradition of success in various sports. Notably, Rugby League, Basketball and Volleyball.

Integrated Sport (Year 7)

The integrated sport program aims to build a solid platform of skills and confidence that will enable students to successfully engage in various sports in years 8-11.

Students are divided into separate boy and girl groups where they participate in a range of sports. Boys: Tennis, Cricket, Rugby League, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming. Girls: Tennis, Netball, Oztag, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming.

Wednesday Sport (Years 8-11)

Wednesday sport is compulsory for students in Years 8-11 and optional for students in Year 12. Students can choose from a number of sports options including grade sport teams and recreational sports.

Students choose a sport for the Summer and Winter seasons.

Grade teams compete against other schools in the St George Zone. Numerous options are available for students to choose. These options include; Rugby League, Football (Soccer), Cricket, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball, Oztag, Touch Football and Softball.

Recreational sports allow students to engage in meaningful physical activity in various contexts. This includes; Fernwood girls fitness, Fitness First, Ten Pin Bowling, Ice Skating, Badminton, Basketball, Dance Hip Hop and several other options depending on student choices.

Sport Organisation: Information regarding the weekly organisation of sport, including the time, cost and location of each sporting group is available on the Sport noticeboard which is located in the canteen area.

Sport Uniform: All students, regardless of their chosen activity are required to wear their full sport uniform to school on Wednesdays. The Kogarah High School Sport Uniform Policy is available from the PD/H/PE staffroom.

Sport Detention: Any student who attends school in an unsatisfactory uniform, does not bring their money (if applicable), truants sport or misbehaves at sport will be required to attend sport detention from 12:35pm-2:45pm.

Non-Sport: Students who have an injury or illness and are unable to participate in sport need to see Mr. Wilson on Wednesday morning to receive a non-sport pass. These students will be sent to room 4.1.18 where they will complete homework or reading.

Dismissal of Sport: Sports will not finish earlier than 2:30pm. Should students return earlier to school at the conclusion of their sport, they will not be dismissed by their sport teacher until 2:30pm. Sport will be finished no later than 2:45pm.

Students who forget Money: Any student who is unable to meet the costs for sport, and do not make an alternative arrangement with Mr Wilson by Wednesday morning prior to the start of school, will be required to go to sport detention.

Early Leaves: Early leave passes must be approved by the sports organiser and the deputy principal. As sport is an integral part of each student's school life, we advise that sport time is not an appropriate time for doctor's appointments. Students with early leave requests should see Mr. Wilson in the PE staffroom with their signed permission note and parental contact number.

Kogarah High is an active member of the St. George Zone School Sports Association (and the Sydney East School Sports Association).

Need more information? Please contact:

  • Sports Organiser: Mr. S. Wilson
  • Head Teacher Sport: Mr. D. Stewart