KHS faculties: Welfare

Student Welfare

Learning Support Team

The Kogarah High School core Learning Support Team comprises the Principal, Deputy Principals, Head Teacher Student Welfare, School Counsellor, Head Teacher Support, Year Advisors, Support Teacher Learning Assistance and Supervisor of Girls. The aim of the team is to ensure that the programs and procedures of the school effectively support the learning and progress of all students.

Faculty Structure:

The Welfare Team - comprising Head Teacher Student Welfare, Deputy Principal, School Counsellor and Year Advisors.

2015 Year Advisors:

Other roles:

The Learning Support Team - comprising Head Teacher Student Welfare, Deputy Principals, School Counsellor, Head Teacher Support and the Support Teacher Learning Assistance.

Extracurricular Activities:

A range of programs and strategies are organised throughout the year to support the learning and wellbeing needs of students. They include, but are not limited to:

Curriculum Links:

The Kogarah High School Student Welfare Policy (found on website) contains information about the policies and procedures of the school and links to relevant sites on the DEC website.