KHS: Science


kogarah high school scienceThe Science Faculty of Kogarah High School prides itself on providing opportunity for all students to achieve academic success in this subject. Many students achieve at the highest level in both the School Certificate and Higher School Certificate examinations. Teachers in the Science Faculty have high expectations of their students, and enjoy seeing each student's success.

Faculty Aims/Objectives:

Faculty Structure:

Year 7 & 8 students remain in the same class for all subjects. Year 9 & 10 classes are graded by their Science ability. In Years 11 & 12, Kogarah High School offers Biology, Chemistry, Engineering Studies, Physics and Senior Science

Student Requirements:

Homework and Assessment:

Students are set homework during each Science lesson. If no homework is set then students are expected to complete any outstanding class work and revise their class notes. Assessment is ongoing such that students get to demonstrate their understanding of content and skills over a number of tests, assignments, presentations and major examinations.

Extracurricular Activities:

Important links for Science students