

The study of English is central to the learning and development of all young Australians. The English department at KHS is committed to the creation of confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens through our rigorous 7-12 English program.

Faculty Aims/Objectives:

The English teachers at KHS believe that it is through the study of English that individuals learn to analyse, understand, communicate with and build relationships with others and with the world around them. This belief frames our approach to teaching and learning and our English programmes enable students to:

  • Maximise their potential so that they may competently and confidently undertake current and future study and training to facilitate effective participation in their life
  • Engage students and develop an appreciation and enjoyment of English itself, arts and literature
  • Develop critical literacy skills and use them to strengthen their understanding of the world.
  • Use the power of English and representation to be effective communicators

Faculty Structure:

Junior English is studied by all students from Year 7 to Year 10. The subject matter in each of the modules studied each term is arranged to mirror the format of the HSC and its focus. Each program offers a range of teaching and learning pathways which allow all students to access the curriculum at their level.

  • Year 7-8: Stage 4 English
  • Year 9-10: Stage 5 English, Read All About It
    (Media Elective which supplements the English Curricular)

In Year 11 and 12 students can study more than one English subject. Students are encouraged to choose the level that is appropriate to their ability so they can perform at their best. They may choose from:

  • Year 11: English Studies (non-ATAR), Fundamentals, ESL, Standard, Advanced, Extension 1
  • Year 12: Year 11: English Studies (non-ATAR), ESL, Standard, Advanced, Extension 1 and 2

Student Requirements:

Years 7-10

  • Pens (black, blue, red
  • Highlighters, Pencils, Glue Stick, Scissors and Ruler
  • A4 Workbook (Pages 120+)
  • Tablets, laptops or other digital devices with access to the school intranet for the purpose of research

Years 11-12

  • Pens (black, blue, red,)
  • Highlighters, Glue Stick, Scissors and Ruler
  • A4 loose leaf paper in folder (divided into subjects)
  • Transparency for handouts or a hole puncher
  • Tablets, laptops or other digital devices with access to the school intranet for the purpose of research

Homework and Assessment:

Years 7-10

Homework usually consists of completing class work and revising key concepts. New language is acquired in English each lesson and it is vital that students habitually develop vocabulary lists and learn and use key terms after each English lesson. Wide reading (novels, news reports, autobiographies and biography texts) and viewing (news, films, documentaries) is key to success in English as it ensures they are immersed in their world and thus are able to more easily understand and compose texts.


  • two Cohort Tasks which are done by the entire grade
    (in Term 1 and 3)
  • two Class Tasks as determined by the teacher to support the teaching and learning needs of each particular class
    (In Term 2 and 4)
  • Tasks will cover a range of modes (reading, writing, viewing, representing, speaking and listening) as required by the syllabus and will be a combination of in class exams or take home tasks.
  • Bookwork, class quizzes and participation is ongoing giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of topics in a variety of forms.
  • An emphasis in the classroom is the maintenance of ordered student's bookwork which contains all work and handouts. Students will be expected to use full sentences, capital letters, punctuation and paragraphs at all times in their writing. This is an extremely important aspect in English which focuses on effective communication.

Years 10-12

Homework- Revision, study notes and regular extended writing is vital in English! Wide reading (novels, news reports, autobiographies and biography texts) and viewing (news, films, documentaries) is key to success in English as it ensures they are immersed in their world and thus are able to more easily understand and compose texts.

HSC and Preliminary students are encouraged to complete past papers issued by their teachers or available through BOSTES. Revision, study notes and regular extended writing is vital to success!


  • Tasks will cover a range of modes (reading, writing, viewing, representing, speaking and listening) as required by the syllabus and will be a combination of in class exams or take home tasks. These will be outlined in the Student Handbook at the onset of the Course.
  • An emphasis on completing classwork and achieving course outcomes is integral to achieving in Senior English. The ongoing maintenance of classwork in an ordered state which contains all attempted tasks is necessary.

Extracurricular Activities:

  • Public Speaking and Debating Competitions
  • A variety of writing competitions
    (SMH Young Writers of the Year Award, What Matter-The Whitlam Institute etc)
  • Excursions and incursions to the theatre, study days for the HSC and Preliminary Course
  • Masters Classes for HSC students

Curriculum Links:

  • English Years 7 - 10 Syllabus
  • English Preliminary and HSC Syllabuses
  • Assessment Resource Centre