
Preliminary and HSC Drama

kogarah high school drama studentsDrama is an art form that allows students to explore the world through enactment. Students collaborate through interaction of individuals using a range of artistic skills as an important means of understanding, constructing, appreciating and communicating social and cultural values. Students interpret and value the past and its traditions; exploring celebrating and challenging the present and imagining the future. By studying this major art form students acquire skills in interpretation, communication, performance and critical analysis and become aware of the technical processes and technologies that may be used to heighten dramatic presentation. The study of Drama will develop the talents and capacities of all students - physical and emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, creative and expressive- as well as developing self confidence and self-esteem.

Faculty Aims/Objectives:

This course is designed for students to experience, understand, enjoy and value drama as a social, collaborative and creative form as an expression of culture through making, performing and critically studying drama and theatre.

Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in making, performing and critically studying. They will participate in a variety of dramatic and theatrical forms whilst applying dramatic elements, theatrical techniques and conventions as well as, develop values and attitudes about the diversity of the art of dramatic and theatrical performance.

Through critical study students will gain knowledge and understanding about the place and function of drama and theatre in communities and societies, past and present and develop values and attitudes about drama and the theatre as a community activity, a profession and an industry.



Faculty Structure

After successful completion of the Stage 5 course, students are encouraged to elect to study Preliminary and HSC Drama (Stage 6).

Student Requirements

In the stage 6 course students require a log book which acts as a form of documentation through the process of individual and group projects.

Homework and Assessment

Both homework and assessment for this course follow the pattern of study in class.

Extra-Curricular activities

Students are given the chance to perform their own scripted plays at school during the two Creative and Performing arts nights. Students will be able to use this performance time as rehearsal and experience performing in front of and audience.

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